28/3/2025 - 2:40 AM

Welcome to Centre for Tourism and Hotel Management

              Tourism is one of the World’s largest and fastest growing industries. In terms of revenue and the number of people involved, it has become world’s number two industry next to Petroleum Industry. Tourism helps nations to earn a large sum of foreign exchange without exporting any tangible product. Besides, tourism provides employment to a large number of people directly and indirectly. Tourism is a multi-dimensional phenomenon that incorporates the Hospitality and the Travel sector. The Hospitality sector in particular in India is having a wonderful development. It also provides a great employment opportunity. Moreover, it is important for the professionals of both the Tourism sector and the Hospitality sector to have appropriate knowledge in each other as both the sectors are inter-twined with each other. In this context, it was felt that a course blending these two sectors will be of great help to the students in getting better placements too. It is sincerely felt that the Tourism industry also will greatly benefit from this.


            Tourism, conceptually intangible in nature, has born out of a remarkable amalgamation of the developments that took place during Industrial Revolution. Tourism, in the modern era, has three basic sectors namely Attractions, Accessibilities and Amenities. The uniqueness of Tourism is, any experience of Tourism in its true, professional senses need a participation in each of these sectors. This uniqueness bestowed upon Tourism has propelled each of these sectors to emerge as complete Industries in their own right, making Tourism – an Industry of Industries. Being an industry, it is highly essential to put out the products with high quality and affordable price along with a solacing service so as to make the stake holders – the tourists to avail a memorable experience of Tourism at the destinations chosen. To do this, the need of the hour, in India, is professionally trained human resources on part with global standards. The Indian involvement in the faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Education blossomed in the early 1970’s at Kurukshethra, Haryana yet it has not boomed owing to uncarry approach making the developments highly imbalanced. This scenario is a great opportunity to induce a holistic approach to Tourism and Hospitality Education in India.

           The holistihc approach is the provision of Tourism and Hospitality Education in totality rather than in parts. Madurai Kamaraj University accredited with “University with Potential for Excellence” can assuredly excel in this aspect. Madurai Kamaraj University which has been the pioneer to offer Undergraduate Courses namely B.Sc. (Hotel Management and Catering Sciences), B.Sc. (Tourism and Hospitality Management) and Post Graduate Course of M.A. (Tourism Management) through its Constituent College of Madurai Kamaraj University College, Madurai Kamaraj University can take the lead role to introduce a ‘Centre of Tourism and Hotel Management’ and reinforce the Tourism and Hospitality Industry with professionally trained human resources and thereby assert its service to the society in a novel way in global standard. In spite of having the basic infrastructure of Main Guest house, Cafeteria, Faculty Guest House and others, the Madurai Kamaraj University in its efforts towards high quality education organizes various seminars, workshops, conferences and course is often at the look-out for a perfect professional service of Hospitality and Travel to its guests. The proposed ‘Centre for Tourism and Hotel Management’ can fulfill this requirement in addition to training the students in these faculties.

            Madurai City, termed as the ‘Athens of East’ for its Educational Historical and Cultural Uniqueness can well be served better through the proposed ‘Centre for Tourism and Hotel Management’ because in the wake of Liberalisation, privatisation and Globalisation the face of Madurai is turning more towards service sector and the industry of Tourism and Hospitality along with transport sector is one of the top service sectors. The phenomenal role of Tourism and Hospitality in the society through creation of Employment opportunities, Multiplier Effect of the Economy and International peace through Societal Development can be effectively tapped upon by developing sensible human resource from the pinnacle of Learning, the Madurai Kamaraj University. It may be noted that the hospitality industry requires three levels of employees i.e. Managerial, Supervisory and Operational Staff. The present scenario of the supply of manpower of in this part is not upto the mark, hence it is felt that a separate centre is very much needed to meet out the requirement on par with global standards. The availability of Manpower at Madurai and its neighbourhood is an advantage that will be effectively tuned to be an useful Human Resource through the “Centre for Tourism and Hotel Management”. Since the field of Tourism Education is beginning to get diversified the holistic approach by the Madurai Kamaraj University to make the available resources into the “Centre for Tourism and Hotel Management” will give a visionary lead to the development of Education in this part of the World in an International Standard.


           The primary objectives of this centre are:

  • To create a comprehensive Integrated Course in the emerging field of Tourism and Hospitality Education.
  • To blend the Tourism and Hospitality Management Subjects appropriately.
  • To develop more job opportunities to the wards through the provision of a double major course.
  • To impart professionalism in Tourism and Hospitality Service through appropriate Tourism and Hospitality Education.
  • To inculcate administrative orientation through Tourism Management Subjects.
  • To inculcate service orientation through Hospitality Management Subjects.

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Centre for Tourism and Hotel Management

Madurai Kamaraj University

Madurai 625 021